Friday, March 8, 2013

Welcome Rachel!!!

It's time to welcome Rachel who blogs at Holy Stitchers & Sew SEW Quilty.  Rachel is a quilter and is looking forward to participating in the challenge.  We're excited to have you join us Rachel!  Vita


  1. Hi Rachel - I'm sure you will enjoy this challenge very much - and just ask questions if you have a problem with sewing clothes.

  2. Thank you very much ladies! I have minimal experience sewing clothes, but can follow a basic pattern, so I'm hoping that this year will be a huge learning experience. I figure over the course of the year I will be needing a little bit of everything, and by the end, will more skills and confidence. I have patterns and fabric that have been sitting on shelves for two years - hoping this will provide structure for me to start cutting and sewing. Looking forward to working iwth all of you!

  3. Welcome to all of you ladies. I believe that this challenge will push us all to learn throughout the year. I believe we have a lot of seasoned seamstresses that will help guide us less experienced sewers. You'll be learning alot with me!! Yay.
